From car: BMW 3′ G20 Saloon 330I A B46D 06.17.2020
VIN:WBA5R1C07L FJ97728 / Body:Sedan
Catalog version/region:USA / Type code:5R13 / Transmission:Automatic / Steering:Linkslenker
Manufact. date:06.17.2020 / Colour:475 / Upholstery:VAEW
Mileage: 14208 km
63217420451 – Rear light in the side panel, left
Fits for:
3′ G20 Saloon
3′ G80 M3
On the rear light has a sticker marks. Needs to be cleaned.
Includes only parts that in Photos!
Enthalt nur Teile, die in Fotos!
Hersteller | BMW (Original OE) |
Herstellernummer | 63217420451 |
Referenznummer(n) OE | 63217420451 |
Referenznummer(n) OEM | 63217420451, 7420451 |
years | 2020 |
Mileage, km | 14208 |
Vehicle chassis number / VIN | FJ97728 |
Condition | Used |