From car: BMW i i3 I01 i3 (+ REX) IB1 01.16.2015
VIN:WBY1Z41010 VZ73809 / Body:Mega City Vehicle
Catalog version/region:ECE / Type code:1Z41 / Transmission:Automatic / Steering:Linkslenker
Manufact. date:01.16.2015 / Colour:B72 / Upholstery:BKCI
Mileage: 18809 km
61319352078 – Radio and climate control panel (°C)
Fits for:
i3 I01
Includes only parts that in Photos!
Enthalt nur Teile, die in Fotos!
Hersteller | BMW (Original OE) |
Referenznummer(n) OE | 61319352078 |
Referenznummer(n) OEM | 61319352078, 9352078 |
years | 2015 |
Mileage, km | 18809 |
Vehicle chassis number / VIN | VZ73809 |
Condition | Used |