BMW OEM M Sport steering wheel shift paddles 8094542 vin:9T46979 0km! G01 G02
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BMW OEM M sports steering wheel leather 8094391 vin:9T68867 33km! F90 M5 M F95

899.95 inc. VAT

1 in stock

From car: BMW X5 M F95 LCI X5 M Competition S68T 08.22.2023
VIN:WBS11ET00R 9T68867 / Body:SAV
Catalog version/region:ECE / Type code:11ET / Transmission:Automatic / Steering:Linkslenker
Manufact. date:08.22.2023 / Colour:416 / Upholstery:LKSW
Mileage: 33 km

32308094391 – M sports steering wheel leather
32308089362 – Decor trim cover, steering wheel
61315A43F11 – Switch MFL (LACK)
61317854520 – M multifunction button
61317856691 – Vibration generator
CARBON sport shift paddles

Fits for:
5′ F90 M5
5′ F90 M5 LCI
8′ F91 M8 Convertible
8′ F92 M8 Coupé
8′ F93 M8 Gran Coupé
X5 M F95
X5 M F95 LCI
X6 M F96
X6 M F96 LCI
XM G09

Includes only parts that in Photos!

Enthalt nur Teile, die in Fotos!


BMW (Original OE)



Referenznummer(n) OE


Referenznummer(n) OEM

32308089362, 8089362, 32308094391, 8094391, 61317854520, 7854520, 61317856691, 7856691, 61315A43F11, 5A43F11



Mileage, km


Vehicle chassis number / VIN


Condition Used
BMW OEM M sports steering wheel leather 8094391 vin:9T68867 33km! F90 M5 M F95
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