From car: BMW 5′ G30 LCI 530d xDrive Sedan B57 01.18.2022
VIN:WBA71DC070 CJ94486 / Body:Sedan
Catalog version/region:ECE / Type code:71DC / Transmission:Automatic / Steering:Linkslenker
Manufact. date:01.18.2022 / Colour:416 / Upholstery:LZNI
Mileage: 0 km

Driving assistant professional
Active Guard
Steering wheel heater

32308008186 – M Sport steering wheel, shift paddles

32308094051 – Decor trim cover, steering wheel

61315A587A7 – Switch MFL (LACK ASS SLD)

61319372496 – Set of shift paddles

Fits for:
5′ G30

5′ G30 LCI
5′ G31
5′ G31 LCI
6′ G32 GT
6′ G32 GT LCI
7′ G11
7′ G11 LCI
7′ G12
7′ G12 LCI
8′ G14
8′ G15
8′ G16 Gran Coupé
X5 G05
X5 G18
X6 G06
X7 G07

Includes only parts that in Photos!

Enthalt nur Teile, die in Fotos!


BMW (Original OE)



Referenznummer(n) OE


Referenznummer(n) OEM

32308008186, 8008186, 32308094051, 8094051, 61319372496, 9372496, 61315A587A7, 5A587A7



Mileage, km


Vehicle chassis number / VIN


Condition Used
BMW OEM M Sport steering wheel 8008186 DAPro Heater 0KM G30 G32 G14 G05 G06 G07
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