BMW Switching Cluster Steering Column 5A32036 2′ G42 F90M5 5’G30 8′ F91M8 027948
BMW OEM Control panel center console PDC 9280514 i3 I01 vin:VX63652 16324KM!

BMW OEM Controller Touch 9320288 9350723 vin:VX63652 F20 F30 F10 F12 F01 i3 I01

125.00 inc. VAT

1 in stock

From car: BMW i i3 I01 i3 IB1 07.29.2013
VIN:WBY1Z21010 VX63652 / Body:Mega City Vehicle
Catalog version/region:ECE / Type code:1Z21 / Transmission:Automatic / Steering:Linkslenker
Manufact. date:07.29.2013 / Colour:B85 / Upholstery:BKCI
Mileage: 16324 km

65829320288, 65829350723 – Controller Touch

Fits for:
1′ F20
1′ F21
3′ F30
3′ F31
3′ F34 GT
3′ F35
4′ F32
4′ F33
5′ F07 GT LCI
5′ F10
5′ F10 LCI
5′ F11 LCI
5′ F18 LCI
6′ F06 Gran Coupé
6′ F12
6′ F13
7′ F01 LCI
7′ F02 LCI
7′ F03 LCI
i3 I01

Includes only parts that in Photos!

Enthalt nur Teile, die in Fotos!


BMW (Original OE)



Referenznummer(n) OE


Referenznummer(n) OEM

65829350723, 9350723, 65829320288, 9320288



Mileage, km


Vehicle chassis number / VIN


Condition Used
BMW OEM Controller Touch 9320288 9350723 vin:VX63652 F20 F30 F10 F12 F01 i3 I01
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