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BMW OEM Control unit top rear side view camera 9393952 F30 F06 F01 F32 F10

99.00 inc. VAT

1 in stock

SKU: 015837 Category:

From car: BMW 3′ F30 LCI 330I A B46 03/08/2016
VIN: WBA8B9C53H K675508 / Body: sedan
Catalog Version/Region: USA / Type code: 8B93 / Gearbox: Automatic / Steering: Left
Release date: 03/08/2016/ Lacquer:A75 / Upholstery:LCL8
Mileage: 27 km

66539393952 – Control unit, top rear side view camera

Fits for:
3′ F30
3′ F30 LCI
3′ F31
3′ F31 LCI
3′ F34 GT
3′ F34 GT LCI
3′ F35
3′ F35 LCI
3′ F80 M3
3′ F80 M3 LCI
4′ F32
4′ F32 LCI
4′ F33
4′ F33 LCI
4′ F36 Gran Coupé
4′ F36 Gran Coupé LCI
4′ F82 M4
4′ F83 M4
5′ F07 GT
5′ F07 GT LCI
5′ F10
5′ F10 LCI
5′ F11
5′ F11 LCI
5′ F18
5′ F18 LCI
6′ F06 Gran Coupé
6′ F06 Gran Coupé LCI
6′ F12
6′ F12 LCI
6′ F13
6′ F13 LCI
7′ F01
7′ F01 LCI
7′ F02
7′ F02 LCI
7′ F03
7′ F03 LCI
7′ F04 Hybrid
Dawn RR6
Ghost RR4
Wraith RR5

Includes only parts that in Photos!

Enthalt nur Teile, die in Fotos!


BMW (Original OE)



Referenznummer(n) OE


Referenznummer(n) OEM

66539393952, 9393952



Vehicle chassis number / VIN


Condition Used
BMW OEM Control unit top rear side view camera 9393952 F30 F06 F01 F32 F10
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