From car: BMW 5′ G30 530I XDR A B46D 08.27.2018
VIN:WBAJR7C57L BP96326 / Body:Sedan
Catalog version/region:USA / Type code:JR73 / Transmission:Automatic / Steering:Linkslenker
Manufact. date:08.27.2018 / Colour:475 / Upholstery:K8FY
Mileage: 3 km
8482813, 18328482648 – Exch catalytic converter close to engine
Fits for:
3′ G20
3′ G20 LCI
3′ G21
3′ G21 LCI
4′ G22
4′ G23
4′ G23 LCI
4′ G26 Gran Coupé
5′ G30
5′ G30 LCI
Z4 G29
Includes only parts that in Photos!
Enthalt nur Teile, die in Fotos!
Hersteller | BMW (Original OE) |
Herstellernummer | 8482813 |
Referenznummer(n) OE | 8482813 |
Referenznummer(n) OEM | 18328482648, 8482648, 8482813 |
years | 2018 |
Mileage, km | 3 |
Vehicle chassis number / VIN | BP96326 |
Condition | Used |